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Conferences & Workshops
3rd Towards THz Comms Workshop
12thMarch 2021, Online
The B5G Cluster is pleased to announce a new date for the postponed 3TTCW. EPIC partner InterDitigal gives a presentation on "6G-era Channel Coding Technology for THz systems: Final Outcomes of the EPIC Project".
Wortecs OpenEvent
15thOctober 2020, Online
EPIC results are presented.
ETTCOM Workshop at PIMRC2020
31stAugust 2020, Online
A workshop on "Enabling Technologies for Terahertz Communications" was co-organized by EPIC partners TB and imec.
European Conference on Networks and Communications - EUCNC 2020
15th-18th June 2020, Dubrovnik/Croatia
A workshop on "Beyond 5G - Steps towards 6G" is planned by the ICT Beyond 5G Cluster where EPIC is part of.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
7th - 11th June 2020, Dublin/Ireland
TB will participate to the conference.
IEEE 802 Working Group Meeting
10th - 15th May 2020, Warsaw/Poland
IDCC is drafting contributions to 802.15 THz IG.
4th - 8th May 2020, Barcelona/Spain
TUKL plans a special session on "Towards Terabits/Terahertz Wireless Communications for B5G Era".
2nd Workshop on High Throughput Coding
In Villejuif Cedex, France. The workshop was postponed and further updates will follow soon.
Following the first edition of the workshop, the event aims at providing an informal atmosphere to discuss recent developments in the design and implementation of error correction techniques for very high throughput applications.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
In Seoul, South Korea. The conference was postponed and further updates will follow soon.
Third Towards Terahertz Communications Workshop
In Leuven, Belgium. The workshop was postponed and further updates will follow soon.
Mobile World Congress - MWC 2020
24th-27th February 2020, Barcelona/Spain
The MWC 2020 was cancelled by the organizers.
UNet 2019
21st November 2019, Limoges/France
TB gave a talk on "Channel coding for Tb/s wireless communications: insights into code design and implementation"
GdR ISIS workshop
22nd November 2019, Paris/France
TB gave a presentation about "Non-binary turbo codes: design, simplified decoding and comparison with SoA codess"
IEEE 5G World Forum
1st October 2019, Dresden/Germany
CRE attended the Workshop "From Evolution to Revolution, a roadmap for beyond 5G"
BRAVE workshop
18th September 2019, Paris/France
TB gave a presentation on results of the EPIC project.
PIMRC 2019
8th - 11th September 2019, Istanbul/Turkey
IMEC organised a workshop on Enabling Technologies for TeraHertz Communications. TB will give an oral presentation at the workshop on "Dual Trellis Construction for High-Rate Punctured Convolutional Codes".
POLERAN Team attendet and presented “Terabits-per-Second Throughput for Polar Codes” paper in a Workshop on Enabling Technologies for TeraHertz Comunications
IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
15th - 19th July 2019, Vienna/Austria
There was a talk from the EPIC consortium which provided studies on the communication performance and implementation level comparison of LDPC and polar codes for above 100Gb/s throughputs. The comparison focussed on selected LDPC codes standardized in 3GPP 5G NR, IEEE 802.16 WiMAX, IEEE 802.15.3d standards, and state-of-the-art polar codes designed for ultra-high throughputs. The presenter, Onur Sahin from InterDigital Europe, represented the EPIC consortium. The consortium members TU Kaiserslautern and Poleran heavily contributed to the results and put a lot of efforts into the comparison of LDPC and Polar Codas which have been presented at this standardization meeting. During the meeting there were a lot of interesting discussions and the contribution and the progress in the EPIC project are received really well.
MPSoC 2019
8th - 12st July, Hakone, Kanagawa/Japan
Norbert Wehn (TUKL) gave a keynote: "Channel coding for Tb/s communications".
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)
18th - 21st of June, Valencia/Spain
EPIC presented in a special session. TUKL, TB and POL participated.
In Addition, POL and CRE showed an EPIC DEMO at a booth.
Balkancom 2019
10th of June, Skopje, Macedonia
IDCC attended and presented "EPIC: FEC solutions for B5G"
VLSI implementation seminar
22nd - 24th of April, Ankara/Turkey
POL attended the seminar.
Bilkent University Graduate Research Conference 2019
22nd of March, Ankara/Turkey
POL prepared 3 posters and 1 presentation for the conference.
EC Thz Workshop
7th of March, Brussels/Belgium
The ICT-09-2017 Cluster hosted the 2nd Towards THz Communications Workshop with the support of the EC. EPIC partner IDCC attended.
Agenda and info flyer
Workshop on High Throughput Coding
27th - 28th of February, Munich/Germany
TB and TUKL gave presentions at Oberpfaffenhofen Workshop on High Throughput Coding, organized by Chalmers Univ, DLR and TU Munich.
TP presented Turbo codes for Tb/s communications: code design and hardware architecture
25th - 28th of February, Barcelona/Spain
Partner IDCC attended.
ASELSAN 4. Haberleşme Tekonoljileri Çalıştayı (ASELSAN 4th Communication Technologies Workshop)
18th of February, Ankara/Turkey
Partner POL attended.
Globecom 2018
9th - 13th December 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE
TB attended and gave a presentation.
ISTC 2018 - International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing
3th - 7th of December 2018, Hong Kong/China
The EPIC consortium presented first project outcomes in a special session at the ISTC 2018 on “Next generation Channel Decoding towards 1Tb/s”.
European microwave week
23rd – 28th of September, Madrid/Spain
EPIC was part of a B5G cluster booth (shared with EPIC related projects) and presented the project details.
EUCNC – European Conference on Networks and Communications
18th - 21st of June 2018, Ljubljana/Slovenia
IEEE 802.15 THz Working group meeting
7th - 8th of May, Warsaw/Poland
IDCC attended.
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
15th of April, Barcelona/Spain
POL made a presentation at the workshop on "Polar Coding: A perspective for Applications".
EC workshop of THz Communication
7th of March, Brussels/Belgium
IMEC attended the workshop.
IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS)
3th - 5th of October 2017, Lorient, France
Partner TUKL presented a paper "Advanced Wireless Digital Baseband Signal Processing Beyond 100 Gbit/s”.
5G forum
22nd of December 2017, Seoul/Korea
Partner IDCC participated in a workshop.