The EPIC consortium came together for a technical meeting on the 8th and 9th of April, at the IMEC premises in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting served to discuss important aspects to take into consideration for future work in the EPIC project, and also had a as a main goal, to prepare the Review meeting of the 10th of April, which took place in Brussels, Belgium. According to the EPIC reviewers, the quality of the project results is in general good based on the deliverables which were available for review and all deliverables and overall milestones have been met. The reviewers also note, that the project has identified the gaps between the state-of-the-art and the future requirements and has made a first set of simulation in order to identify possible improvements. In addition, a new advanced architecture has been proposed that advances the state-of-the-art regarding throughput and energy efficiency.

The reviewers provided the consortium with valuable recommendations for upcoming work and the EPIC consortium already starting working on including the different recommendations.